Your Life Won’t Change Until You Do!

Nothing changes in your life until you change the kind of thoughts you entertain. If God has given you a total package of his blessings, there is nothing to be worried about.
You become what you think about yourself. Learn to take charge of your thought by investing in your personal development. Monitor what you allow into your mind.

Never give chance to the devil to use your heart as a storehouse where he freely dumps all his negative words and suggestions. If you take time to monitor your thoughts and rely on God to direct your path, you will discover that you have the power to reject any thoughts that are not serving you.

Be very careful of the circle you keep, because you either made or broken by it. The bible makes us understand that evil communication corrupts good manners.
Learn to do away with any thoughts and things that will separate you from the love of Christ. Do this and, your life will never remain the same.

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Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.
Love you.
Remain blessed.



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