Many of us make new year resolutions at the beginning of every year but really never bothered to look at it even for one day till the end of the year and we make another one again. It is good to have a new year resolution, but when you don’t keep to it, it becomes just another vain plan that will not be fulfilled
As the days, weeks and even months and years go by, you should have the mindset to keep to what you say and believe in what say and also practice what you say.
Remind yourself that Rome was not built in a day. And a journey of a thousand steps starts with just a step. All you need to be able to achieve your desired goal is the right frame of mindset and discipline to focus on your dream. If a footballer is with the ball all his attention is on the ball and if he is to score a goal, his focus is on the goal post and the goalkeeper. The moment he takes his attention away from the goal post or the goalkeeper he will definitely miss the target of scoring that goal.
Saying something positive to your self every day will really give you a sense of calmness. It will become part of you and it becomes your affirmation and in no time you will gain focus and begin to find your ground. Sooner or later you will realize that you are worth more than you think.

Say This To Your Self Every Day
1. ”I am the guard of my own heart, I will only entertain positive thoughts and do away will the negative ones”
2. “I know that l cannot control exactly what happens in life, but l will be responsible and control how l react to the problems of life”
3. “I will stop beaten my self up, just because I have not achieved my goals. I will definitely succeed if I keep on trying’‘
4. “I will always put on the spirit of gratitude, remembering to be grateful for the things I have. I have to know and believe that God will definitely supply all my need according to his riches in glory”
5. “I will never compare my self to anyone. I am unique in my own way.
6. ”I will live in the now moment believing that God will lead me to my destination”
7. ”I will never allow fear to decide my future”
8. ”I will start doing things that matter and do away with things that are irrelevant”
‘9. ‘I will always work on my mindset by reading positive books that will enhance my growth and help me with my personal development”
10. ”I will stop leaving in regrets knowing that I can not really change what has happened in the past, but definitely can avoid making the same mistake again’‘