The Dangers Of Competing!

There is danger in trying to be like someone else. This will not only waste your time but will drain you of your energy and eventually ruin your life.

No one has your uniqueness, though people might try to copy what you do, dress like you talk like you, and even speak like you, but they can never be like you because you are a special breed.

When God created you, he gave you a special gift. You must activate and learn to exhibit this through your uniqueness because this is what makes you special. So trying to imitate others, is like you are telling God that he choose the wrong person and body to bless with that talent. God can never be wrong, his ways are perfect.

When you stop competing yourself with others, it will relieve you of anger, bitterness, jealousy envy, and hypocritic spirit.

Never try to put on someone else’s shoe, when you have a perfect size for yourself.
-Jane van Zundert.

Always learn to compete with yourself, by continually doing that which will bring out the best result and best version of yourself.

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Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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