Now is The Right Time To Appreciate God!

Sometimes we forget who we’re. We forget why we’re created. We even forget that God is always with us, so no matter how hard things might seem, His right hands are every ready to pull us up.
One thing that I have come to know is that we’re stronger than we think.

Take time to look back and, you will be surprised how many battles you have won with the help of Christ.
Maybe you can take time to take inventory of past and present issues. You will recognize things you thought would have killed you, but here you are, still pressing forward.

So next time, before you complain about how frustrating life is or how disappointed you’re, try to take a moment, and ask yourself a question, is it really by my power that l won this battle, or is it God that is at work in my life? You will be shocked at how many times God has fought and won the battle for you.

Learn to appreciate Him and appreciate yourself. God’s works are marvelous in your lives, so no devil will be able to take you off balance when you know who you’re in Christ Jesus.
Whenever you feel like a failure, look onto Christ, who is the finisher of our faith and, your life will never remain the same.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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