Know That Life Is A Journey!

Written by Jane van Zundert

Hi, I am Jane, I am married and a mother of four. My mission in life is to inspire and motivate you, on how you can break free from fear, shame, and resentment and start creating a balanced life, so that you can begin to enjoy your total freedom and never get stuck again in life.

July 14, 2021

Life is a journey that will end one day. If you must move on freely in this life, there is a need to unpack things that slow you down. When you know your divine destination, you wouldn’t want to waste time on things that are not worth it. Things that make you sad and afraid.

Learn to travel light in this road of life. Let go of bitterness, anger, jealousy, unforgiveness, abrasive attitude, addictive appetites. Let go of that spot of envy and learn to walk in your unique way, not minding how people react to it.

Go through life in the strength of God, truth, and courage. Your faith is needed to help you press through hard times likewise continuous prayer to sustain you in times of storm.

When you learn to drop distractions and pick up grace to carry on, your life will be full of happiness, and, definitely with the love of God and his mercies, you will arrive at the final destination knowing fully well that your trip was a good one. Now you are ready to enjoy life after death in the presence of God.

What is your stand with God? It’s not too late to unpack that extra bags of unnecessary things that slow you down in this thing call life.

Please feel free to share this video with your friends and loved ones.

Remember, I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.

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