Love is wanting the best for someone. When we love, we want to show it to people that we care about them. We will do all in our power, to respect, cherish. and behold that love for them.
That love is not different from when God said in his word, that we all are loved, by the love of Christ. It means, that we don’t have to work hard for his attention, we are not to set ourselves straight before we merit the love of Christ. He said his banner over us is love, God’s love for us is unconditional.
In Genesis 1:27, So God created man in his image, in the image of God, he created them; male and female he created them. God loves us so much, that, after creating all the animals, he saw, that he could not fellowship with them, they were not having the same qualities as him, so he needed someone who can fellowship with him, who will have the same component and understanding. So he created you and l in his image and His likeness and breathed his breath into us and we became a living soul. A product of God’s love.
So, when we, speak about the love of God, we should reflect on the love of God. If anyone claims to love God, it means, you have a deep personal relationship with him. God shows us love every single day, He shows us, how much he cares for our souls. In that love, He sent his only begotten Son to come and die for us. John 3:16, so that we can be cleansed of our iniquities. By so doing, each time we fall short of his glory, we are free to ask For his mercies.
God, through his love for us, allows his only Son to be molested, abused, spat on, beaten, and crucified on the cross so that we might be free from all damage and fear of condemnation.
So, who are we, to say to someone, l hate you with passion. Even with all our mistakes, bad attitude, lying, backstabbing, jealousy, bitterness, unforgiveness, fornication, adultery, murders, abandonment, etc. God still loves us. So we can never claim to love God when we don’t love those that have offended us.
Rather letting go of hate and other things that people have done to us, shows, that God richly dwells in you, and his love becomes complete in you. That becomes the PERFECT LOVE OF CHRIST.
When we can show, genuine love to ourselves, we can equally show the same love to others. Knowing fully well, that we, have missed it, in one way or the other, but God in his infinity mercy forgave us and loves us unconditionally. So He expects us to do the same to others, irrespective of what they have done.
When we begin to feel that deep love for God, making sure, that we don’t take our focus away from him, his ability to sent his only begotten son to die for us, and creating us in his image and likeness and to complete it, he breathed his breath into us. and his mercies are ever available for us. God expects us to return the same love to others.
We all should continuously, participate in the intimate relationship, with him, and embrace others just as God does all the time.
have you in any way feel that you are not loved by God. Or are you finding it difficult to let the love of something done to you and has hider your love for people?
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I am your sister in Christ.
Love you .
Remain blessed.