Are you scared to carry on with life? Have you be wondering why you are stuck each time you try to make progress in life? Do you know that as we can receive God through faith in his dear some Jesus Christ that we can also receive fear through the negative thoughts that bombard our minds every day?
The reason is simple. Fear has crumbled lots of people that they lose confidence even on the verge of their breakthrough. I must also confess that most churches nowadays have originated one weapon to manipulate and hold their followers in bondage and that weapon is fear.
They use the messages of fear to keep their followers wondering if they will ever come out of whatever problems or situations are holding them bound. You must understand the fact that fear is not from God but the weapon of the enemy to keep you from going forward in life. The enemy uses fear as a tool to hinder you as many times as possible so that you will keep on running after shadows.
The good news is fear is not from God and will never be. In the places where the Bible says fear now the only reason behind that is, God said I am with you. Fear not for I’m with you. In 1 Chronicles 28:20 …Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God is with you…
To be able to beat fear and its agents, you might need to take time to acknowledge the presence of God in your life. There is nothing wrong in saying it aloud God is with me and He is here right to know with me. You can do this anytime you sense fear looming around you. Things like worrying are fear, anxiety, trying to figure everything out which is excessive reasoning is also fear.
I have come to the knowledge that fear is the master weapon that the devil uses to hold God’s children bound. The devil knows that when we are conscious of ourselves, we will be able to succeed in life. So he tries to use his weapon of fear to keep us away from the good things God has destined for us.
1 Corinthians 2:9 “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
God is not looking for our perfection to do his will but there is a lot of strength that comes with wanting to do His will. That alone helps us to win the promises of God. So knowing that God is not looking for that perfection in us rather looking out for us even when we were yet sinners. So you have all it takes to kick fear out of your life only if you come to the understanding that fear is not from God but a weapon of the Devil and his agents.
Anything you feel, hold onto your faith in God because it’s stronger than the fear in you. Your faith in God will put fear under pressure and fear will have no other option than to leave you and look for elsewhere to go.
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Remember I’m your sister in Christ.
Love you.
Remain blessed.