How To Deal with Depression as A Single Mother!

Being a single mother is hard. Single motherhood takes a lot away from mothers who have been abandoned by their partners or husbands. A lot of things happen to a woman who is left alone to cater for the children of separation.

It comes with being depressed, lonely, sad, frustrated, and sometimes very angry. But God knows why the marriage or relationship did not work out, so all you need is to hold on to God. He alone is able to wipe the tears and depression away.

Are you ready? Are prepared to make depression a thing of the past? The time has come! You probably have many questions on how to start and what to do but, fear not, this advice can help you. Keep reading for some tips that will help you chase depression away from your life for good.

1. You Are the Director of Your Mind

Always keep in mind that you are in complete control of your thoughts, even when feeling down. You should avoid using the word ‘depressed’. The word itself can lead to negative thoughts, because it has negative connotations, and is not a good way to describe feelings. Find a replacement such as “low” or “the blues” to keep your outlook more positive.

2. Change Your Mood Level

You need to make sure not to describe yourself as “depressed”. Depression is a very serious affliction, but if you use the word, it can make you feel worse. Try thinking of your state of mind as being “a bit low” or “not quite positive” instead. Although you are still battling depression, changing your mood level puts your feelings into a new perspective

  3. Have Faith in God

Faith is all you need to survive in any situation. When you have been abandoned by a partner and left alone to take care of the kids, a lot of thoughts will begin to fill your mind – like how to take care of the kids alone, how to handle issues, how to begin to trust again, etc. Or will I ever find someone to love me?

How do I cope with another partner knowing I am going into that relationship with my kids from another relationship? Hold on, because when you have faith and speak the right word to yourself, God will send someone far better into your life. All you need is faith and God will handle the rest.

4. Know That You Are Not Alone

If you are feeling depressed, you should remember that you are not the only one in that kind of situation. Today there are lots of single mothers out there, like me writing this book. I was also a single mother for about seven years. However, the moment I discovered this truth that I am sharing with you right now, my life took a drastic turn. Reach out to people, don’t keep to yourself.

There are a lot of women out there who have been through what you are passing through right now. Knowing you are not suffering alone during these times is important because that feeling of loneliness can make things worse. Somebody out there is either dealing with the same thing or will help you manage your issues.

5. Feed Your Mind with Positive Things

Go for motivational books or audiobooks. Read the Bible often, if you are a Christian. There are lots of Bible verses that can help you get out of depression. They are food for the mind and soul. Hang around positive people; do away with people who keep reminding you of your past mistake. I thank God who has kept me this far; it was for a purpose that I went through all the traumas.

Maybe for a time like this, so that I will be able to share my story and to encourage someone else. It is not over until you say so. In life, when people put a full stop in the chapter of your life, do not be dismayed, because that is when God decides to start a new chapter in your life. So keep the faith. Don’t give up!!

Action Point

Now that you have been enlightened on how to deal with depression in a positive and healthy manner, these tips should help you to improve your mental well-being and the overall quality of your life. Start implementing these suggestions today.

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Remember l am your sister in Christ.

Love you .

Remain blessed.



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