How To Calm Yourself Down In Mist Of Troubles!

We know that we all live in a busy busy world, where there is so much noise and distractions.
When you turn on your television, you mostly hear wars and fights among different countries. People fighting over power and many more, or stories about how sick the world is, and sometimes if you are lucky you will hear something about people protesting to keep the planet earth clean.

Likewise, social media platform is full of people tearing themselves down.
All these can lead to stress and distractions if you don’t know how to manage your time because it can leave you with anger, frustration, and unrest. You might know the damage until you begin to react to what you have allowed into your unconscious mind.

In the book of 1 Kings 18, Elijah told his servant to check if there is a sign of rain. The servant went six times without any positive results. Elijah who knows the God he serves and knows that people have become too distracted that their faith has been cut short sent the servant out again while he keeps on interceding, and finally, the servant came with a piece of positive news.

Sometimes in life, when we are too much in a hurry to get what we want, we can be distracted by others who seem to be making it.

Learn to calm yourself down. Practice meditation and stop forcing the hand of God. There is a season for everything. Relax on the Word of God, hold onto the faith you have in Christ. Feed yourself with the Word, practice praise and worship moments, sooner or later, you will realize that a peaceful and calm mind gives way to clarity in whatever you do.

Elijah was patient with his servant, instead of screaming at him, he keeps on sending him back. In that process, the servant was able to calm down and finally see the blessings of God.
Learn to do away with false preachers, who deceive their followers with vain promises just to get money. God is not a greedy God, what he says he will do.
Do away with every unforgiveness and stay in remembrance of the sacrificial lamb of God.

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Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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