Trust That God Can Defeat Your Mockers!

Sitting down on the chair, I remembered when I released my first ever album Sacrifice. I was so excited and happy. Yes! I finally found my voice, I was looking forward to the day of the launching, but something happened that almost made me quit singing.

That thing almost took away my self-esteem and confidence. Before the day of the album released, I took a copy of the cd to the person I called my spiritual mother for blessings, but instead of praying for me and happy for me, She told me to get away with the cd, that I should go and listen to a lady who sings at the headquarters of the church somewhere in Lagos Nigeria.

I was shocked and ashamed of myself, it was like a dream l walked away and was not even able to say a word on my way home. My daughter asked me, “Mama is everything okay”, I told her “Yes baby mummy is fine.” Even my husband saw that my mood was not good, but couldn’t lay his hands on the issue.

Do you know that it takes a lot more courage to let go of something than it does to hang onto it? Trying to make it better, or trying to figure it out on your own might take a longer time than you think. But when you allow God to take over your battle, it will become so easy, because nobody can battle with the Lord.

Today that same person that humiliated me, has become the very shadow of herself.
Never allow anyone to take away your dream, and uniqueness, I know letting go can be hard, but it means standing still and coming out strong even when people think you will fail. Stand up today and shake off every doubt and negative word from your life and God in heaven will crown all your efforts with success.

Here is a track from my first album sacrifice. It is titled, Awesome God. Listen and be blessed.
I will like to hear your testimony.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.



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