This Storm will also Pass

You might be worried that your situation will never change. You might be dowcasted because of what you are facing right now in your life.

I am encouraging you that this storm will also pass. Even if your life is in that state of unclarity and you don’t know what to do, dear beloved, you can still find beauty in the chaos of your life. Praise and worship God. Pray through the difficulties.

Hold unto faith and remind yourself of many times God has gotten you through the worst storms. You passed through those storms. Those valuable lessons in them might have made you more confident in your decision-making.

When you are honest with yourself, you will realize that God enable you to hold on during those darkest moments you ever faced, so this will not be different. God will ever be that present help for you. God is never far from us. He sees the hurt you do share with the world. He sees and feels the sadness of your heart.

It might be hard to see and feel his presence right now, but trust Him.
No matter what you faced before or are facing at this moment, if God can get you through those times, He will do it again.

He will get you through the storm and the darkness because He is your lighthouse. When the light comes, darkness disappears.

God is the hope you can cling to no matter how hopeless things seem.
Constantly declare that no matter how many times you face hard times, you promise not to give up because that storm will also pass. Keep announcing God’s goodness in that storm.

People might call you weird, but keep the faith and increase your praise and worship of God.

This storm will also pass, and you will emerge even more victorious.
(1 Samuel 2:1-2)

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and loved ones.

Remember, I am your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.




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