The Power of Gratitude!

There is power in gratitude. Never stop appreciating the little things in your life, because gratitude opens more doors of opportunity. When you are grateful for what God has already done for you like waking up every morning to see you are still breathing, the closer you become to your life gifts.

Psalm 9:1 I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;
    I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

Never dwell in the fact that God has not answered your burning desire and until it is done you will not appreciate life. When you are grateful, it relieves you of so many things like stress and depression and allows you to gain satisfaction and peace.

Unforgiveness is another hindrance. When you let go of every hurts and begin to appreciate the fact that someone has paid for your sins it brings your peace and joy. It’s never too late if you are finding it difficult to find happiness with those situations that left you heartbroken. You can start right away to let go and forgive people to keep your sanity.

Gratitude is strong and leaves you with greater happiness and contentment, this will help you feel more positive and confident. When you learn to be grateful it helps improve your hearth and allow you focus on things and your surrounding.

Learn to see gratitude as a muscle that needs to be trained all the time. The more you ignore to train it the weaker it becomes.
-Jane van Zundert.

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Remember I’m your sister in Christ.

Love you.

Remain blessed.


1 Comment

  1. Jennifer osaghae

    Very much on point ma, God bless you


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