Do you know that everything you need to succeed has been given to you by God? If you know your inheritance in Christ, there is absolutely nothing that can hinder your progress. Learn to be competent with the word of God because that is the place where your true inheritance lies.
To be able to stand up and claim your inheritance, there are things you must know and consider. Never join the multitude that runs after miracles, signs, and wonders, because that is where the devil waits to deceive you.
In the book of Genesis 1:28, God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground. Taking a good look at this bible verse you will see that lots of us have missed it, and keep on missing it, because, when you ignore the promises of God over your life that is when you fall a victim of false prophets, prophetess, apostles, etc.
To succeed is already given to you by God, so whatever you want to become, is within you, all you need is to know who you are. Hold on to these points and begin to enjoy your everyday life.
1. Be Fruitful
When God said be fruitful it is because he created us in his image after his likeness, and he breathed in our nostrils, and we became a living soul. So, because God can never fail, he never expects us to fail. When you know your inheritance there is nothing you can not achieve. Don’t make the mistake, to run after a mortal man, that will only come and explore you and promise you everything. It is your inheritance to be fruitful in whatever you do.
2. Fill The Earth And Subdue It
This is another form of inheritance, When the bible talks about to fill the earth and subdue it, it simply means that your voice is supposed to be heard because you are created in the image of God himself so your success lies in your hand, not in the hand of your prophets or otherwise.
3. The Marine Power
You are given the authority to rule the fish in the sea that includes all the marine kingdom. Why must you pay any man of God to pray and bound the marine? When your ways are right with God, and you know your faith and believe in the word of God, no demon from the pit of air will claim what belongs to you.
4. The Birds
God has given you the power to dominate all flying creatures both witches and wizards. Why on earth must you be scared, it might be, you have not read this part of the bible and pray, that is why you see some people run after miracles, signs, and wonders, they want prophets, and prophetess to protect them, while God has given you the power to crush any flying demons. Hold on to the word of God, make your ways straight, and you will surely triumph.
5. You Have The Power Over Serpent
When the devil came, in form of a serpent to deceive Eva, it was obvious that Eva was not prepared, for any man to be manipulated, it means the word of God is not strong in him. The bible made it clear, that we are given the power to tread upon snakes and scorpions, meaning we are more than them, they are supposed to see us and run. So any false prophet or prophetess, that comes to you, that you must saw any painful seed, to destroy the serpent in your life, has succeeded in manipulating you.
In conclusion, we all have been given dominion to succeed because it is our inheritance from God. Stop running after a man and let your focus be on God alone because is our author and the finisher of our faith.
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Remain blessed.