The time of waiting is not a time to complain. We all have hope for our dreams to come to pass and yours might be healing. It can also be a dream to meet your dream spouse or to have a college degree. If things don’t happen according to your plan, you might get discouraged. But God said in (Isaiah 60:22) God has planned everything according to his timing. When the time is right, He will begin to release them. God will make things happen according to His plan. The Lord is faithful and always on time. He promised to make all things possible in His own time.

God has scheduled your healing and breakthrough. That college degree is all planned out by God. Quit the worry because the owner of the universe has all planned out. At the time of waiting, it might seem that nothing is happening, but behind the scenes, God is working. He is busy taking away bad friends and jealous colleagues out of your way. It is important to have faith and be calm. Hold on to hope and be patient. At the right time, all will be released to you. God is supernatural, but you need faith to go through the waiting time. You need to trust God that he is able to do all things according to His timing. God is still in the business of doing good. Trust and believe in Him and your life will never remain the same.

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Remain blessed.



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